Civil Construction
Our Core Activities
At Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing our highly motivated experienced and licensed drainage team can perform any and all sewer installation from 2 lot subdivisions to multi lot subdivisions and trunk mains to any depths.
We pride ourselves in our quality of workmanship with a do it once and right the first time attitude that eliminate defective works and saves our clients time and money.
Our day to day dealings with council means that we are up to date with all relevant standards and look forward at any problem solving that is needed to ensure a smooth working project.
Our services include:
- Installation of sewer mains at any depth and material including but not limited to PVC, DICL and VC
- Installation of pre cast and or cast insitu manholes
- Installation of mains in water charged ground
- Ability to aid council with connection to existing mains
- Vacuum testing of mains and manholes
- Cleaning of mains and manholes
Water Mains
Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing are fully licensed plumbers and with our vast knowledge with Mackay Regional Council and surrounding areas specification will help your project be completed and know that it is installed as per all standards that are required.
At Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing we take the time to make sure that we are up to date with all Council and Australian standards. We make sure to deliver a high quality of workmanship and with a professional team of up to date requirements.
Our services include the installation of:
- Trunk mains
- Water mains
- All materials including not limited to DICL, PVC, Poly mains
- Fire hydrants
- House connections
- Sluice valves
- Air valves
- Scour valves
- Tapping barrels and house connections
- Pressure testing and chlorination of mains
Storm Water
Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing have an experienced team for installing all your storm water drainage needs from subsoil drainage right up to multiple pipeline drainage.
Our experienced team insures that all council and Australian standards are met with the highest of quality.
Our team are experienced in the installation of precast and insitu poured pits to any size.
Our services include the installation of:
- All stormwater materials RCP, FRC, PVC, DICL and Rubber Ring and Flush Joint Pipes
- Precast and insitu poured pits to any size
- Gross pollutant traps ( GPT )
- Subsoil drainage
- Inner allotment drainage
- Trunk mains
- Culverts
- Detention basins
- Head and wing walls
Pump Stations and Lift Stations
Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing are an accredited and preferred installer of the Mullaley fibreglass packaged pump station in Mackay and the surrounding areas with an experienced team.
At Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing we look for new and improved solutions with pump stations that benefit the developers and clients to help the projects move along faster and be more cost effective.
We pride ourselves in the quality of our workmanship and our up to date knowledge of new and superior products that are on the market. Our service and knowledge is unbeatable to help your projects, we also use local electricians to assist with switch boards to ensure the project meets the requirements of all local councils.
Our services include:
- Insitu and packaged pump stations
- Lift stations and holding tanks
- Over flow pits & discharge lines
- Switch boards
- Rising mains
- Assistance with council for connections
Rising Mains
At Synergy Pipelines and Plumbing our experienced and highly motivated team can assist with any and all your installation needs with rising mains.
Our up to date knowledge and experience will ensure that your project is completed on time.
Our attention to detail and knowledge of Australian standard and council specification.
We are able to install all your rising main needs including:
- Any size pipes
- Materials including not limited to (UPVC, DICL, Poly)
- Council testing requirements
- Experienced to all depths